The Downtown Marceline Foundation was formed under the auspices of the Missouri Main Street Connection and the National Main America, a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Downtown Marceline is non-government and a 501(c)3 non-profit organization made up of concerned citizens volunteering their time to the revitalization of historic downtown Marceline.
Vision Statement:
The Downtown Marceline Foundation is a collaborative and innovative organization that is future focused on developing a vibrant 21st century community while preserving our rich historical past.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Downtown Marceline Foundation is to enhance the near term and long term quality of community life for those residing in, doing business in, and visiting Marceline. We will accomplish our mission through sustainable programs and projects that will economically and socially revitalize our downtown district. Our projects and programs will create a community environment that reflects the changing character of Main Street USA in the 21st century while maintaining the charm and vitality of our community.
Main Street programs work mainly through the commitment of the volunteers on various committees. The Downtown Marceline Foundation uses four committees to focus on the work for Main Street USA:
Design Committee
This committee’s goal is to enhance the visual attractiveness of downtown. This includes technical assistance and encouragement to building owners toward the restoration and rehabilitation of historic structures, improved streetscape features, street and alley cleanup, colorful banners, and landscaping. Attention must be paid to safe and efficient infrastructure, including streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and the appearance of storefronts, signs, street lights, window displays, and graphic materials. Design improvements should be developed through a public-private partnership by reinvestment of public and private dollars in downtown.
Organization Committee
The Organization Committee builds a governing framework that includes a diverse representation of business and property owners, citizens, schools, churches, public officials, chambers of commerce, historians and preservation organizations. Everyone must work together in a long-term effort to renew downtown and maintain its stability into the future. The Organization Committee also trains and develops leaders for the community’s revitalization efforts. Activities of the Organization Committee include establishing priorities through comprehensive work plans, providing the organization with sustainable sources of revenue, and volunteer development.
Promotions Committee
The goal of the Promotions Committee is to project a positive, unified image that identifies downtown as a public gathering place. Revitalization programs market the district and the community through a series of targeted activities that include development of the downtown image; a variety of communication methods using press releases, newsletters and other media messages; special events and festivals that highlight the local culture, art, music, dance and traditions that give each community its unique identity.
Economic Vitality Committee
The EV committee analyzes current market forces to develop long-term solutions; develops a business recruitment program while strengthening the competitiveness of existing merchants and service businesses. One goal of recruitment is to fill vacant spaces while diversifying the economic base. The committee works toward creatively converting unused space for new uses, and works closely with the Design Committee to seek appropriate solutions for historic commercial buildings that will ensure their continued occupancy, maintenance and preservation.
Community Master Plan
This Community Master Plan was prepared by a team with a deep passion for and understanding of community revitalization. The Team had expertise in all aspects of Main Street revitalization planning and how to apply it in communities, large and small. The Team came to Marceline on six different occasions, meeting with various community stakeholders to develop this Master Plan. An Architectural and Historical Inventory was also created, as well as an Architectural Survey, giving details of almost 100 sites around Marceline.
Architectural Survey information

The Downtown Marceline Foundation follows a Main Street revitalization plan, a comprehensive strategy that is a proven method for downtown revitalization. Currently there are over 1,200 designated Main Street communities in America. Towns that use the Main Street principles as the basis for activities will see positive results: new businesses, streetscape and infrastructure improvements, building restorations, festivals, and special events that celebrate local history and heritage, positive attitudes, and renewed confidence in downtown.

As a Main Street Americaâ„¢ Affiliate program, the Downtown Marceline Foundation is a recognized leading program among the national network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities who share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. All Main Street Americaâ„¢ Accredited programs meet a set of National Accreditation Standards of Performance as outlined by Main Street America.
As a Missouri Main Street Affiliate program, the Downtown Marceline Foundation is a recognized, leading program among the state network of more than 45 districts and communities who share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development.