Marceline is a Smart Rural Community!

Marceline is a Smart Rural Community!

Chariton Valley, Marceline’s high-speed fiber internet provider, just designated Marceline as a Smart Rural Community! This designation highlights Marceline’s use of Chariton Valley’s fiber network for the betterment of Marceline, but also the work of the many community leaders who labored tirelessly to strengthen Marceline economically, while maintaining our unique rural charm.

An “SRC” is part of a national network of communities powered by rural broadband providers who support economic development and the revitalization of small communities. The majority of Marceline’s fiber network was completed in 2020, which has greatly contributed to Marceline’s economic resurgence by making it possible to bring new businesses, new jobs, and new residents to town.

Some of the key points that contributed to the awarded designation include:

  • Work from home capability is bringing many families back to the area
  • Record setting job and population growth
  • The move of three major industries to the community: Karvd, Nature’s Grace & Wellness,
  • and CoffeeTree Group
  • K-12 school enrollment has increased from 609 to 640 students since July 2022
  • Four new retail businesses
  • Four new restaurants
  • Nine vacation rentals
Chariton Valley: SuperFast Internet Super Affordable |

“Our purpose is to ignite progress in communities through digital transformation, fuel economic growth, and enhance the quality of life for everyone,” stated Ryan Johnson, Chariton Valley’s President and CEO. “We’re excited for what the future holds for Marceline!”

The leadership of Marceline has done an exceptional job promoting Marceline and utilizing fiber connectivity to enhance Marceline